COG clinic

Your new online ADHD clinic.
Powered by people who believe urgent ADHD problems demand urgent care.

Receive instant ADHD support via video calls with a qualified ADHD expert.

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No waiting lists
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Curated ADHD coaches
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Affordable prices
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No minimum sessions
Cog's brand illustrative character "squiggly" together with a coach smiling and happy

How it works

COG combines psycho-education with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). Empowering you with an understanding of your ADHD brain and behaviour.

Cog coaches understand your ADHD and situation, before coming up with personalised solutions to help you cope.

An image showing steps of getting started with COG coaching: 1.Picking a Cog coach that you like. 2.Booking a free 20 min intro session with them 3. Booking Pay as you go sessions whenever needed
An illustration of calendar phone and journal

Our approach is practical and hands-on, and you will be  encouraged to practise skills that reduce your ADHD symptoms.

Lastly we will evaluate regularly to help you see the progress you’ve been making : )


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How are the coaching sessions conducted?
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What happens if I forget my appointment?
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Can I cancel or reschedule my appointment?
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How many sessions do I need?
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How do I make the payment?
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How much does it cost?
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How do I start?